What is the MediGap Prescription Plus?

A FREE discount prescription drug card entitling your family, and pets substantial savings - up to 80% from pharmacy's usual and customary prices. It's Simple and It's Free to receive your MediGap Prescription Plus. You can print your MediGap Prescription Plus today. Learn More...

It's simple to use!

Accepted at over 60,000 pharmacies!

See Cardholder Savings

Learn How the Card Works

"Hello and Thanks! This card brings my generic down from $166 per month to a mere $32.00 per month. Adds up to a savings of $1,608 in a year -Thanks again!"

- Sue, Pennsylvania

"I want to thank you as you are what helps people like me receive their medication and live with what ails them.. You are my angels in disguise.."

- Martha, Florida

"I was able to save on a prescription for one of my dogs. An antibiotic, that would have cost around $35, was only $20, saving me $15! I'm very impressed!"

- Neal, California